
acrylic on canvas
Infima is the lowest class. And I go down to the lowest world to meet my shadow, my dark part, my pain and my grief.
There is a place in the forest of illusions where lovers go to cry out their suffering, unrequited feelings, and the pain of separation. And today I am going there, going down the stairs, going through the basements, going through the tunnels, going underground, and I am getting into that forest that is on the other side of the earth, into the lower world.
It's dark in the forest, but my path is illuminated by ghostly candles and I can see where I'm going. And on the path, I meet a snake that blocks my way. And I don't understand this sign right away. Is it that I am forbidden to come here? Or is it a warning of danger? Or is the snake the ruler of the lower world and came out to greet me?
Exhibition history:
- 27 April 2023 – House with a stone, personal project, Ukrainian People’s House, Przemysl, Poland
- 3 – 30 April 2023 – Art residency in the People’s House, Przemyśl, Poland