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acrylic on canvas



I was looking for something that keeps me from being happy. Something that confuses me and keeps me from sleeping. What prevents me from loving and receiving love. Something that blocks me. Shields the world from me.
I searched inside myself and found a big stone. It was bigger than me and very warm. As warm as a human being. I wanted to pull that stone out of me, but I couldn't do it. Instead, I leaned against it and hugged it. And I started crying with regret, I was so sorry to let go of that stone. It was a part of me, my flesh and blood. I thanked him and realized that no matter how much I loved that stone, I had to let it go.
We found ourselves on the seashore near a rock. It was a quiet night. I put the warm dear stone in the boat and we looked at each other for a long time and said goodbye. And as a farewell, the stone gave me a branch with leaves and a ball of thread. The threads so that I could go into the dark labyrinth and come back.

Exhibition history:

  • 21 – 26 May 2024 – Dream of a sleep, Galleria Gjutars, Vantaa, Finland
  • 1 – 31 May 2024 – AiR Gjutars Residency, Vantaa, Finland, Culture Moves Europe
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© 2020 Olena Kayinska

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