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acrylic on canvas



Prajni is the knowledge of what things really are. In this place of power, everything that has long been dead and buried manifests itself, unpacked, unzipped and becomes clear and understandable. We begin to realize why and for what purpose everything happened and where we should go next and how.
And there is a reason and an explanation for this. And it all happened like this:
Once upon a time, there was a city on the site of a water dam, and two snakes lived in it. They defended their territory, not letting anyone into the sacred valley. They cultivated the fields, sowing them with healing herbs, caught fish, which were plentiful, and hunted small songbirds. When the order came to leave the place because the water was coming in and flooding the city, the snakes talked to each other and decided to do this. They laid one last nest with a lot of eggs and hid it deep underground, until better times, brighter times. That nest will survive the flood, the winter, and the war. And when the time comes, new snakes will emerge from it, descendants of wise and great snakes.
The snakes laid the eggs and moved to another dimension. They moved from the lower material world to the spiritual upper world, and from there they watched the great water flood the lands they knew. That day it was very hot, there was not a cloud in the sky, and the air was completely still. The whole world held its breath and watched.
The Great Goddess watched the actions of the snakes and decided to put additional protection for the snake nest, because it was very important to preserve its integrity. So the Great Goddess built a Portal on the Mountain that protects, heals, and clarifies. Through the portal, she sent her Stone - the Stone of the resurrection of Ukraine, the Stone of victory over evil and death, the Stone of healing and improvement, the Stone of honing skills and deepening love. A stone near which you begin to see deeply, to grasp the very essence of it with one hint, one glance, as an eagle snatches a mouse from the grass, noticing it in the clouds, with one clear movement.

Exhibition history:

  • 16 August – 16 September 2024 – Bakota Hub 2024, group exhibition of the results of the art residency, CultMotive, Kyiv, Ukraine
  • 11 July 2024 – Bakota Hub, group exhibition – results of art residency, Bakota Hub, Horayivka village, Ukraine
  • 1 – 13 July 2024 – Art residency Bakota Hub, Horayivka village, Ukraine
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