The well of Holy Things inside of you
acrylic on canvas
There are people, talking to whom resembles drinking from the bucket of sanative ice-cold water, just taken from the well in the yard of grandmother’s house. There are places, where you immediately feel at home. As if you took the weight off your back. As if you just arrived at where you were going to for a long time. There are books, the words of which you as if knew a long time ago and forgot them. And now you recall them and you’ll never forget them.
In all of us, there is an inner well, full of sweet and delicious Holy Things. Full of inexpressible silent joy, love to the world and to yourself. This well is constantly full, whatever happens, just sometimes we lose it. The well becomes as if hidden behind one of the turns of our consciousness and we fiercely roam through this labyrinth, trying to find our well.
Exhibition history:
- 17 December – 17 January 2020 – exhibition of the results of the art residency Zhovkva-Art-Kreminna, Old Apothecary, Zhovkva, Ukraine
- 8 – 16 November 2020 – Art residency Zhovkva-Art-Kreminna, Zhovkva monastery of Fathers Vasylians, Zhovkva, Ukraine