Deep sleep

acrylic on canvas
I asked God to restore my deep sleep, and God sent me the shining of the stars in the darkness. God gave me a comfortable bed and fresh linens. God gave me a river where I will make my bed and sleep surrounded by trees.
As I sleep, I will listen to the gentle flow of the river waters. The waters flow slowly where they need to go, and I will drift into a deep sleep with them.
The starlight is the hair of the sky. It is a manifestation of the sky's love. It reaches me and touches me in a very subtle way. Starlight for me is like a breastmilk for a baby. It nourishes me and heals me. The starlight fills my bed and leads me deeper and deeper into sleep.
I dream of things and events that have not yet happened. I am nostalgic for things that have not yet happened. I dream of you and me having breakfast at sunset. We eat and drink starlight and are filled with peace and purity. We love each other very much. I have not met you yet, but I can see your shadow in my dreams. As if I recognize you. I know it is you. But in my dreams you always have different faces.
When I walk along the river in the daytime, I look at the faces of the people who are walking towards me and try to recognize you.
Meanwhile, my sleep is getting deeper and more healing. Sleep restores me and fills me with strength to live. To live here happily, in a beautiful world. While I sleep, the river carries its waters. Tree leaves, bird feathers, pine twigs and cones fall into the river. And while I sleep, the pine cones in the river begin to sprout.
Exhibition history:
- 21 – 26 May 2024 – Dream of a sleep, Galleria Gjutars, Vantaa, Finland
- 1 – 31 May 2024 – AiR Gjutars Residency, Vantaa, Finland, Culture Moves Europe