One day after...
1 – 18 October 2020
International art project
Museum-exhibition center of modern art
Kyiv History Museum
Kyiv, Ukraine
Earlier this year we encountered reality, which seemed to be possible only in apocalyptic movies or futuristic novels. We realized we are defenseless against the threats, which can destroy us as species on earth in a moment. Being horrified by the depressing statistics, we tried to make sense of the situation, and then we came to an understanding, that we have more questions than answers – we were hiding in the limited spaces of our homes from fear, uncertainty, and vagueness. Eventually, we found out, that we cannot control everything, that we need to slow down, change the established rhythm of life, habits, mentality, and think about something different – about the future and our values.
The period of self-isolation became the most proper time for artistic reflections, as the artists are incredibly sensitive to everything, which happens around them. They have a fine appreciation of the pains and fears of society, they respond to changes instantaneously, and sometimes they can even predict them. Recognizing this, in April this year Kyiv History Museum offered the artists to reflect on the future of the world in the conditions of the rapid development of technology, the crisis of the world economy, pandemics, and the irreversible changes of climate on the planet.
So, what’s our exposure? Cosmotourism, control over the weather, physical immortality, friendship with robots, or the rise of the machines…?